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What we’re about

Let's get together and provide feedback on each other's work.

We meet weekly* with new work in hand** for others to review, with the hope the deadline will help keep us motivated! 

*Weekly attendance is not required; always consult the calendar to confirm

**You may attend to hear the work of others and offer support and feedback, without sharing your own every time

The Who and the Why of Seattle Writers' Meetup

Who are we? We are the courageous wordsmiths who dare to place their dreamings onto the page. We are a group of writers dedicated to helping one another grow stronger and more confident in the craft of writing. We come from all walks of life, from infinite perspectives and backgrounds, and we are united in the goal to keep writing alive as an art form.

Why are we? This group was founded on the idea that great writing depends very little on whether or not it gets sold, or even published, and even LESS on whether or not that phrase or that comma are grammatically correct. We are GLOBAL ISSUE thinkers. Could the topic be more engaging? Does the dialogue flow naturally? Is the character developing, for the audience, the way the author intended? THESE are the questions we concern ourselves with.

The When and Where

Our current meeting schedule is Monday evenings, in the reserved back room of the College Inn Pub in the University District of Seattle. 

Don't feel obligated to bring writing to share every time, especially your first time. You're very welcome to visit and feel us out first, and to show up whether or not you have anything ready to show this week. Sometimes, in the wake of sore throats or crippling stage fright, others can be coerced into reading your work for you, but we encourage you to do so on your own, if you are able.

Upcoming events (2)

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