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What we’re about

Hi Meetup universe! I am hoping to start an IN PERSON, supportive writing group for women who have been published, want to increase their acceptance rate, and make some new writer friends. I am more motivated to write when I belong to a group of encouraging people with similar goals. We will read and provide editorial comments on each other’s work at least once a month. I want to offer writers a relaxed, welcoming environment to share and receive feedback on their work. We can have periodic Zoom calls in between meetings if we want.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I write erotica as well as other genres, so if reading and discussing smut disturbs you, please don’t apply.

ABOUT ME: I have had seven erotica stories published, including one cover magazine article, and one story in an anthology. I have also published travel articles with photos, newsletter and newspaper articles, scholarly journals, and working on a romance novel. I live in Midtown East Manhattan.

Are you one of my tribe? If so, please answer the questions below. I am looking for 5 to 8 women meeting possibly on Sunday’s late afternoon but flexible. We will meet at first in a restaurant, but as we gain comfort with each other, I am happy to host at my apartment.

Are you a woman over the age of 40?
Include a link to a published story, article or book (self publishing and blogs ok).
Why do you want to be in a writer’s group?
When and where was your last vacation? Why did you go there?
What is your email address?

I will be in touch if your application is accepted. Thank you.