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What we’re about

The Monadnock Region Permaculture Group, sponsored by The Sustainability Project, Inc., provides a community forum and an online calendar of events for Permaculture information & discussion. Permaculture is the practice and theory that builds permanent agricultural and human systems based on patterns in nature. Through permaculture, we learn essential skills that help us design a way of life that is in harmony with the natural world, including: organic, regenerative farming & gardening, biodiversity, soil & environmental health, developing a sense of place, natural resource conservation, collaboration, and living in connection with the natural world. This group offers a variety of workshops and learning opportunities such as: films and educational speakers, permaculture farm & garden tours, discussion and book study groups, hands on experiences, community garden building, energy conscious living, seed and plant swaps, and social events designed to strengthen our connections and support sustainable community action. We welcome everyone, those who are experienced and those who are new!