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Re: [xp-26] My Company is Hiring. We're (mostly) Fully Agile, Smart,and a Great place to Work

From: Sam N.
Sent on: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 5:53 PM
Dear Gabe,

I have sent you and wireless generations several email messages regarding this and other opportunities, but have never received any response of any kind from either you or the company. Moreover, it appears that other people have had identical experiences with your postings. This complete lack of response on your and/or the company's part raises serious questions about the legitimacy of your postings. Please contact me to discuss this further.


Sent on the Now Network��� from my Sprint�� BlackBerry

From: Gabe Yarra <[address removed]>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep[masked]:36:49 -0400
To: <[address removed]>
Subject: [xp-26] My Company is Hiring. We're (mostly) Fully Agile, Smart, and a Great place to Work


I'm a tech lead at a company called Wireless Generation. We're a tech company focusing on the education market.  Wireless Generation is largely agile, full of very smart developers, treats employees well, and is a great place to work.  Our products are in 10% of schools nationwide, and the company is growing by around 33% every year.

We'd like to hire impressively smart people who are strongly grounded in software fundamentals, people who really care about crafting software and learning as much as they can.  We have positions open for developers, PMs (Scrum Masters), and QA.  The technologies we primarily use are C++, java, oracle, python, and javascript, as well as other front end technologies, but there are a lot of different technologies used at the company.  We don't care so much about the specific technologies a candidate knows - just that whoever applies is good.  We are fairly exclusive, using a five stage interview, which means developers at the company are good.  It also means we don't accept the vast majority of applicants.

There are a bunch of bragging rights at the company, like our head DBA wrote the O'Reilly SQL Cookbook, teamwork and a good attitude are a core part of our company culture,
the office is on the top floor with decks, free juice and soda, a young and West-Coast feel to the company, etc. Overall this is a great place to work.

If you're interested in applying, please contact me directly so I can answer any questions you may have and refer you to our HR dept.

And fyi, I've been a member of the XP Meetup for about a year.

Thank You,

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