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Pizza, Beer and Cameras (Photowalk)

Photo of Steve E
Hosted By
Steve E.
Pizza, Beer and Cameras (Photowalk)


A photo walk in York city centre. The pub:walk ratio will be determined by the weather, but we’ll meet regardless.

We'll meet at The Market Cat by the Shambles Market, gathering in the bar or upstairs beforehand to agree a route and any theme, before heading out on the photo walk and then back to the pub afterwards. A few of us normally arrive early and order a pizza.

Feel free to bring any suggestions or ideas.

You will need:
- A camera or phone
- A tripod would be useful

New members and beginners welcome!

We welcome photographers of all levels, including those who enjoy using their smartphones. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, we offer a friendly environment for you to share your passion for photography.

Our activities are really just an excuse to get together to mess about with our cameras, to make some new friends and above all to get shooting!

Activities normally start at 7 pm, so please arrive a bit early. The cost is pay-as-you-feel, with a suggested donation of £2 towards group running costs, including teas and coffees.

Photo of York Photography Network group
York Photography Network
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Every week on Wednesday until August 28, 2024

The Market Cat
6 Jubbergate · York
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location