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What we’re about

We’ve all been to Meetups with huge member lists and tons of happy hour RSVPs, but you never see the same person twice. No shade, but that’s not this group!

If you’re 25-35ish and looking for more close girlfriends in the area, join us! We’ll do all the usual meetup things, just with a smaller and hopefully closer group. Just so you know, we aren't requiring that you're planning on having bridesmaids now or ever, we just want to grow the type of relationships with people where you would want them there on the most important day of your life.

The group will be limited to about 50 to start, once we hit that number any new members will go on a wait list in the order that they join. Once we decide to open for more or people are removed, we'll add from the waitlist in that order.

A few guidelines-

  • You have to come to one event per quarter to stay in the group
  • Be cool, we’d love to hear about your drama but don’t need to be a part of it
  • Keep your RSVPs up to date, too many no shows or last minute cancellations just suck.
    • We follow the 3 strikes you're out rule-- 3 no shows without changing your RSVP or giving us the heads up and you'll be removed from the group

Dues are $3/year just to help cover the Meetup subscription cost. You'll get a 2 week free trial that starts once you're accepted.

By the way, if you are a Denver resident, we strongly encourage you to get a library card. We will be doing touristy stuff occasionally, and the library offers free tickets. It's a great way to get some Denver love without hurting your wallet!

If you have ideas about events or want to get more involved with YFB, Join our discord! It's a great way to stay on top of any potential events, and to have your preferences known! Plus, it's a way to keep community from the comfort of your couch (if you want)

Upcoming events (4+)

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