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Are you unemployed or unhappy?

From: Eric K.
Sent on: Friday, August 28, 2015, 3:33 PM

Hey Team,

If that title grabbed you then I have some good news for you! Everyone is hiring! Here are some awesome new opportunities:


Clio is one of Canada's up and coming success stories and has been viewed as a company that is following in Shopify's footsteps. They are based out of Vancouver and they build gorgeous software for Lawyers to manage their practice.  Clio is looking for multiple developers (Rails and JS) to add to their team and do support remote workers. If you are interested check out these two links:


Currently they are a team of 8 and are in the process of securing another $10 million in funding to add on another 18 people. They are looking for all types, but specifically a kick ass iOS developer. So if you are interested in mapping and logistics then feel free to hit up Brad at [address removed]

Important Poll

Huge thanks to everyone that voted so far! If you haven't could you please vote as to whether we should move the group to Facebook or stay on meetup? It only takes 3 seconds (depending on network latency). It would be a huge help.

Call for speakers

I've already had some responses from people about speakers but I know there were a couple of you that I had talked with at the last meetup. Please send me an email to [address removed] if you are interested in presenting or have something that you desperately want to learn more about!

That's all for now! Even though it's still a month away I'm getting super stoked for the next meet up.



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