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Looking for Co-Founder for Technology Startup

From: George H.
Sent on: Friday, November 22, 2013, 3:58 PM
Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to start up a company to create tools for software developers and I am currently looking for a Co-Founder.

Some basic details:
  • Location: preferably Switzerland but I would not exclude people in other locations if everything else fits. I plan to remain in Switzerland.
  • Sector: Software tools for Software Developers - B2B model
  • First products: Tools for enabling unit testing
  • Technology stage: Prototype complete - working on MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
  • Funding stage: no funding yet - we would be working together on fundraising.
  • Customers: None - we would be looking for the first customers together
  • Prior experience: I have started two other companies before.
Ideal skill set required:
  • Someone who knows the technology side of things but would prefer to work on the business side
  • Someone who has started a company before
  • Experience with fund-raising would be preferred
  • Someone with B2B Software Sales experience would be ideal

If you are interested please contact me directly at: [address removed]

Best regards,
George Hadjiyiannis

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