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New Meeting: Short Sunday Hike on Uetliberg and back with ship

From: Sven
Sent on: Saturday, June 7, 2008, 4:49 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Short Sunday Hike on Uetliberg and back with ship

When: Sunday, June 8, 7:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone without a clue what to do on a Sunday

Meeting Description: Hi everybody,

The weather will be acceptable enough tomorrow 8th of June for an easy going Sunday hike with a brunch on the Uetliberg.

My intention is to take the S10 and go to Station Triemli, where we take the walk up to the Uetliberg. There we will have a nice brunch/breakfast on the top terrace where the big tower is.
Later we hike all the way to Albispass. We take the bus from there to Thalwil where we take the ship back to Z?rich.

Who wants to join me on this?

I?ll be at the dock where the Uetlibergbahn S10 takes off at 11:00 am O'Clock. The train leaves at 11:06 am. I expect the hike will be about 4 hours including the brunch and the ship trip.

You can buy the Albis Tageskarte for CHF 15.60 or 7.80 with Halbtax which is useful for the whole trip.

All the best,


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