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Message from Sven from Hike&Outdoors - Benefiit for Impact Investments

From: Sven
Sent on: Sunday, August 23, 2015, 5:36 PM
Dear all,

I hope you are taking advantage of the great hiking season we have so far! As for me, I am preparing for the biggest upcoming adventure of my life…and it doesn’t involve mountains or travels to exotic places, but a bunch of diapers and own growing up to be able to handle a small beautiful human being new to this world.

While this miracle is soon to come, as the Head Organizer of the Meetup Hike&Outdoor, I am allowing myself to let you know about (yet) another endeavor that I have been involved together with friends. We have created a new Meetup Group called “Benefiit – Zürich Impact Investment Network”. Through the Meetup Platform, we are developing a network of investors that are interested in Impact Investments.

What is Impact Investment?

According to Wikipedia, it refers to investments made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return. It is a form of socially responsible investing that  can be made in both emerging and developed markets, and target a range of returns from below-market to above-market rates, depending upon the circumstances.  

Given the high transaction costs and required investment amount, Impact Investments are mostly limited to affluent investors. With the aim to facilitate access to them for most of us, Benefiit has been created as a network of investors. Benefiit is a Swiss non-profit association that started as an informal club in December 2012 in Zurich, and whose members have already invested in good deals around the world, let it be in water recycle technology implementation in Asia, or mini-grid electrification for small rural villages in India. Check our website: !!

The motivation of its members is in fact to use their own savings and participate actively in the financing of businesses and project around the world that have a positive impact on the environment and to the social life of people.

How do you invest? Really simply explained, Benefiit gets investment opportunities from partners and from the members themselves. Together we do the screening, the due diligence, negotiate with the counterparty and invest to do great impact socially and environmentally.  

We are working on creating a consistent network. Its success will depend on the amount of members it is getting. If we have a good amount of members, we will be able to expand our network with partnerships to gain access to a wide variety of offers to its members, from courses on how to invest to accessibility to a wider variety of investments. Even though Benefiit is a non-for-profit association, we will have some costs in the future that needs to be covered, hence we are not disregarding the idea of appropriate and fair membership charges in the future. But for now, this association is on its growing path. 

If you are really interested to get to know Benefiit and what we do, I am inviting you to join us in this Meetup Group by going to its website:

We are planning an event in November to introduce ourselves and the projects we have been involved so far. Hope you can participate! 

Best wishes,


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