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New Meetup: bettmeralp-Aletschgletscher

From: Patrick
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 8:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: bettmeralp-Aletschgletscher

When: February 5,[masked]:45 PM

Z?rich Hauptbahnhof

Dear All,

I suggest to spend a weekend at the Bettmeralp (1950 meters)- i.e. going friday night and returning sunday night to zurich. For those who are not familiar with the name, this place is close to the Aletschgletscher (23 kilometers long) and recognized by Unesco as part of world heritage. From the bettmeralp you are immediately on the ski-slopes. More info can be found at There are plenty of ski-trails so for a weekend we should be fine.

There is a train leaving zurich hb at 6pm arriving in Brig at 8.11 pm. The train departs at 8.23 pm arriving in Betten station at 8.39 pm. Here we need to take the cable car at Betten (8.45 pm) arriving at Bettmeralp at 9pm.

Hotel Alpfrieden still has space for up to 15 persons in the "nebenhaus" (adjacent house to the main hotel). There are no showers or toilets in the room, both are available on each floor as a common area. The price offered by the hotel for room + breakfast is 65 swiss francs/night. I have not been informed about the type of rooms but assume that again these will be rooms with 3 or 4 beds.

The owner of the hote has not given me a deadline but have asked to let her know as soon as possible whether or not we are interesting in taking the 15 spaces. Would you please be so kind to let me know whether or not you are interested in joining and as such advise me of your choice by January 8, 2010 at the latest.

kind regards

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