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New Meetup: Seefeld Drinks - Saturday 5th December

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Sunday, November 29, 2009, 3:04 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Socialising!

What: Seefeld Drinks - Saturday 5th December

When: December 5,[masked]:30 PM

toto restaurant
seefeld strasse

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to all of you that made it along last night - it was another great night with over 60 people hanging out together! Our next event will be this coming Saturday.

If you are looking to expand your social circle and make the most out of living in Zurich then you should come and join us. We meet regularly to share a few drinks, have a chat and have a good time. This group is about meeting new and interesting people in an informal and friendly environment - away from the crowds. Come on your own, with friends or with a 'significant other' - its up to you - but you will always be made to feel welcome!

Kind regards,


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