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Japanese meetup hosted by Haru 🇯🇵 Haru가 주최하는 일본어 모임

Photo of david woodworth
Hosted By
david w.
Japanese meetup hosted by Haru 🇯🇵 Haru가 주최하는 일본어 모임


Happy Haru's Japanese Meetup

>Prebook here<

1 free drink
Meetup Hosted by Haru, Japanese Host
2 hour meetup with topics and free talking
free entry into social meetup afterwards
Chance to meet 10 - 15 like minded people


Hello. I'm Haru, and I come from Osaka. I've always wanted to study Korean, so I came to Korea to study abroad. Currently, I'm studying Korean at school. My hobbies include traveling and reading comic books. I also enjoy sports and occasionally go golfing! I really like meeting people and having conversations, so I'll do my best to engage in many discussions and have a great time with everyone. Please feel free to come and hang out with us anytime! ☺!!

I plan to primarily focus on Japanese conversation in our gatherings. We'll engage in free-talking, discuss various topics, including the differences in our countries and cultures. If you ever find yourself stuck or using incorrect expressions while speaking, I'll help you use natural Japanese right on the spot! Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday!


こんにちは。大阪から来たはるといいます。ずっと韓国語を勉強したいと思い、留学にきました。 現在語学堂で韓国語を勉強中です。 趣味は旅行と漫画を読むことです。運動も大好きでたまにゴルフに行ってました! 私は人と出会ってお話しすることが大好きです。皆様と一緒に沢山お話しして一緒に楽しい時間を過ごせるようにがんばります〜!! ぜひぜひ遊びに来てください~~☺!!

主に日本語会話を中心に集まりの時間を進行していく予定です。フリートーキング、又は主題も持って皆さんとお話しながら、お互いの国の違いや文化の違い などなどお話しを進行していきます。喋っていて言葉に詰まったり、間違って使っている表現があったらその場ですぐに直して、自然な日本語を駆使出来るようにお手伝い致します!それでは木曜日にお会いできることを楽しみにしています〜!!

Q: I'm not very good at the language I want to learn. Can I still join?

A: Of course! It's fine at any level. We have prepared tables suitable for each level, so you can learn alongside people at the same level.

Q: Is it okay if I arrive late?

A: Absolutely. Come when you're comfortable and leave when you want. It's a relaxed and friendly event, so feel free to come and go as you please.

Q: How can I participate?

A: Just make a reservation here and come.

We'll guide you on what you need when you arrive.
What makes the language exchange program special?
I'll introduce the special aspects of our language exchange program meetup.

Our Unique Space: The GSM Terrace is exclusively designed for meetups. It's equipped for a variety of meetups to take place every day. From the staff to the menu, everything is tailored to create the perfect language exchange program meetup.

Diligent and Friendly Staff: Our friendly staff enjoy welcoming new people to our fantastic venue. There are staff members at the entrance to guide you for events, and there are always staff members ready to listen to feedback.

Sophisticated Matching System: Our specially designed matching software considers individual circumstances to help facilitate optimized connections.

Personalized Content: Depending on your language learning level and interests, our system recommends suitable content. We provide recommendations upon your arrival or during online registration.

Table Rotation: We facilitate meeting as many people as possible through table rotation every hour. You can connect with everyone.

Rewards: The more you attend our events, the more points you can earn. These points can be exchanged for great rewards.

Code of Conduct: Only healthy individuals can participate in the language exchange program meetup to make it a better experience. Individuals who receive three complaints from others will no longer be able to participate in the event. If you encounter any discomfort, please inform our staff.

>Prebook here<

Photo of 강남 일본어 모임 Gangnam Japanese Language Meetup and Exchange group
강남 일본어 모임 Gangnam Japanese Language Meetup and Exchange
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30 spots left