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Re: [ATL-JavaScript] Looking for D3.js tutor

From: Jonathan
Sent on: Sunday, March 17, 2013, 3:06 PM

I actually found this just today. Incredibly helpful - should get you down the road without having to take the dollars out of your pocket. -- thorough d3 tutorials from an academic instructor -- A talk, with interactive examples and code snippets, explaining d3 -- A live-coding set of videos to walk through a lot of the basics -- A live-coding set of videos to walk through a lot of the basics (part 2) -- A fast prototyping lounge similar to CodePen to let you test your ideas out. Used by the enjalot fellow.

D3 is difficult on first approach, for sure, but these seem to be the best tutorials out there. Should help get you along the way. The most important thing to understand is the selections and data binding techniques. Also, Mike Bostock is very helpful on Twitter. @mbostock.

Good luck!
Senior Interactive Engineer
Whiteboard  [masked]

On Mar 17, 2013, at 3:00 PM, Jake Nelson-Dooley <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for some help learning D3.js. I'm just OK with Javascript, and D3 is a bit beyond my abilities..

Willing to pay $30/hr for a tutor to help me out.

Thanks in advance,
Jake Nelson-Dooley

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