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Embedded Engineering, Hardware Design, Firmware, Design for Manufacturing and Collaboration

From: Andre' L.
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2016, 2:30 PM

Austin Hardware Entrepreneurs,

Two Action Items, first I haven't heard any news of projects on here? It's too quite! Anyway, I have reduced my consulting over the last few months, so I can work on my own products more, and trying to choose more wisely working on cool products, or quick ones for other clients. That said, my current consult is winding down from "emergency get it done this weekend" to "I think we are ok now" --

Alas, if anyone needs either EE/Embedded/Algorithmic hourly design consulting to help guide a design or sanity check your work, I am available, as well as for complete designs and products of course and manufacturing in my Chinese CMs -- let me know.

Second action item, I work with collaborators and friends that live back in California mostly, Silicon Valley. This is great, but honestly, it makes working on passion projects difficult over the distance. I have been head down since I moved here to Austin 8 years ago, and although I have been to many meetups, its always hard to find people in the same "place" with product development and time. Many of the people I met have the skills, but simply don't have the time due to family obligations or full time work, etc. And on the other hand a young gleeful EE freshman, might have all the energy in the world, but between not knowing how to bias a transistor and a full load of classes, countless parties, "fun",  it makes it hard to collaborate as well since I spend 90% of my time teaching and apprenticing students.

That said, what I am looking for are a couple people in the same place as me -- you have your own biz, or you have a job that is easy enough where you have 50% of your time to yourself to work on projects, you are available 24/7, or at least daily, live in austin/round rock/cedar park (I live in austin) and you have passion about building really cool products in the gaming, robotic, RETRO spaces, and are interested in building things, you have serious engineering chops, you have an open mind and love trying and learning new things.

I am currently working on some very serious products in gaming and wearables, but I have a hit list of robotic toys, and other cool stuff very small projects and very large. I am open to both collaborators and taking on apprentices and mentoring as long as you have some really good engineering under your belt already, and just need to know how to apply it to build actual products and get things done. Basically, looking for similar minded people with TIME, at least, that make time for working on cool projects, and really want to finish, not just tinker. I just realize lately, I have to completely let go of all my crew in silicon valley, they are too far, and even though 90% of the time, we work at our own homes in our labs, I can't say "dude, come over, let's just bang this out tonight" -- they would need a jet ride.

So, I want to find people here in Austin, so if you are into all kinds of engineering electrical, computer, product, you LOVE hardware design, gaming, robotics, AI, wearable, IOT, cool stuff, and want to build stuff, email me privately, let's talk. I have met a lot of great engineers here in Austin, but everyone is just so swamped with "life" it makes it hard to get anything going. I have a biz, house, wife, kid, dogs, but I find a way to still build things, so its a challenge, and hard to do, but I am looking for similar souls that are in for the long haul and realize it takes time, money, energy and effort, and you have to try a few ideas, get them done, ship, see what happens, AND most importantly, SMALL projects are great too, we don't have to all change the world -- I have two "change the world" products I am developing, and they take FOREVER -- so, I like change a only a few people products as well :) But, the most important thing is that you have a stable income somehow, so you have time to work on side stuff consistently -- this is a hard thing to do...


Andre' LaMothe
CEO | Chief Scientist Nurve Networks LLC
BA Mathematics, BS Computer Science, BS Electrical Engineering
Email: [address removed]
Linkedin: Andre' LaMothe
Skype ID: NurveNetworks
Ph:[masked] x2
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        Networks LLC

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