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Re: [backyard-skeptics] Listen to a Radio Interview

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, October 30, 2011, 11:02 AM
Hear is a thought leaning to the shift of the collective consciousness from confusion to clarity. Lets declare December 21, 2012 the end of the age of collective ignorance and a date marking a shift to the age of awareness, "true cognitive awareness". How could any rational person ever think the ancient Mayas long count calendar would end on a date that would be the end of our would? Like the billboard being a pivotal point for promotion I am working on a documentary about the end of the age of ignorance and the collective shift to clarity. A pipe dream I know, but a good advertising opportunity for a clarity campaign. Attached is a brief file for development. I have connections to a film company that is interested in the documentary but all resources are welcome. We need tangible examples throughout world history that depict the marked evolution of awareness. All ideas are welcome as well!
Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Gleason <[address removed]>
To: backyard-skeptics-announce <[address removed]>
Sent: Sun, Oct 30,[masked]:54 am
Subject: [backyard-skeptics] Listen to a Radio Interview

For those of you who get their email on Sunday or early Monday,  I will be interviewed by from North Dakota on Monday morning at 7am concerning the billboard.  We'll be talking about the billboard of course, but I am sure it will get into different areas.   You can listen live if you are at your computer.

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