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Movie night - kinda

From: Bruce G.
Sent on: Monday, February 11, 2013, 11:04 AM

My wife and I watched a recently produced documentary call Mea Maxima Culpa, which in Latin means 'It's my fault'. It's about the Catholic priest abuses and hoe all the leaders of the church, including the present pope, had a part in covering up and moving abusers from parish to parish.

I was going to make this documentary a "dinner and a movie night" at my house later this year, but the film is just too depressing to show for an informal showing.  I do recommend watching it though, so if you're interested I will have some DVDs of it at any of our meetings the next couple of months.


As a reminder, I'd really appreciate all BYS members sign up for the $4/mth voluntary membership fee at  It's only about a dime a day and will help pay for our upcoming conference on May 4th (mark your calendars) and you can cancel anytime.   I have been in the red on the last three years and have promised my family I would not spend any more personal $$ on the only secular conference in the OC. This might be our last conference.  (We're in the hole about $6k.)   Please contribute this small amount to help us out.  Thanks in advance.



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