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New Meetup: Mountain bike ride at Annadel Park - 22 miles and 30 miles

From: Ivan L.
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 3:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bay Area Cycling (Mountain & Road)!

What: Mountain bike ride at Annadel Park - 22 miles and 30 miles

When: June 7,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Meeting at 9:30 at Annadel Park?s horse trailer car park - please prepare $4 cash for park registration fee.
Ride starts at 10:00 sharp.
We hope that everyone will be back to the starting point at 3pm and will join for an after ride burrito at Lepe's Taqueria on Montgomery Dr.

The Park
Annadel park, near Santa Rosa, is among the best place to ride a mountain bike within one hour drive from San Francisco. It features more than 50 miles of trails accessible to mountain bikes.

The Ride
We have designed two itineraries for two riding levels: A hard 30 miles loop for advanced riders and an easier 22 miles loop for intermediate riders. Both loops will take you between four to five hours to complete at a moderate pace. It?s a perfect opportunity for intermediate riders to try themselves on a longer distance.
The 30 miles itinerary requires to be comfortable with rock gardens because it features at least 4 miles of it. Total elevation gain should be near 4000 feet.
The 22 miles itinerary has smoother uphills and skips the most tricky downhill sections. Total elevation gain should be near 3000 feet.

The adventure
It?s an adventure racing training so we are encouraging you to make a team with one or two other riders ? if you don?t have a team mate request one when you?ll accept the Meetup invite.
We will not ride as one large group, it?s the only way we can cover such distance on time. We would like you to be ready to use towlines (if you have one) so your team move together ? no fast guy waiting 1 mile ahead and no slow guy struggling to catch-up!

We will provide each participant a map and an itinerary description ? you can?t get lost!
Both groups will ride the first three miles together. Both itineraries will follow the same trail portion at mid way so both groups members should meet during the ride ? we are expecting the riders doing the long loop to catch up with the riders doing the shorter loop mid way.

We would like everyone to take their time and publish it with their feedback about the event.

Safety recommendations:
* There is no drinking water along the itinerary - you?ll be gone for more than 4 hours so if it?s a hot day bring at least 3 litters (100Oz) of drinks or a water filter (there will be streams where you can refill).
* Bring adequate food. More than 2 cereal bars!
* Load yourself with electrolyte if it's a hot day
* Make sure your bike is in good condition because the trail isn?t forgiving

More information:
You can contact (Julien) directly at [address removed]

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