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What we’re about

Join the Remote Forever tribe and learn how to work remotely as you help your company transform to agile ways of working. 

Remote work is not about meetings over some video conferencing tools! It's also not about leaving your home behind and becoming a #DigitalNomad. Remote work is much more about agile values and practices than you can imagine. By learning how to work effectively with your colleagues regardless of where they are located, you can create strong communication skills and build effective teams.

Start living a fulfilling life and make all of your dreams come true by learning how to bring remote work to your agile practice.

You should join this group if you are an agile practitioner, a leader in an agile company, a person aspiring to work better remotely or just someone who is struggling in making remote work part of their daily work. Maybe you wish to spend more time working at home to attend to your family or your garden, maybe you want to travel more often while working with the same amazing agile team you are on today. 

We are here to learn how to become more effective agile leaders and practitioners in today's geographically distributed workspace and we do most of that together in "virtual" and "online" meetups. How about that?

"Isolation is the dream killer" /Barbara Sher 

Check the Remote Forever website for more information.

And do join our yearly completely online conference Remote Forever Summit.