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Revamping the system

From: Lyn S.
Sent on: Sunday, January 22, 2012, 4:00 PM

Dear CO New Friends Connection (Newbies) members,

First of all, if you do not want to receive emails from me or the group, please Unsubscribe.  Thank you.

Now, as you can tell, for numerous reasons, I haven't been able to dedicate a lot of time to setting up activities for our group (boy, does Tom Cappy make me look bad!  ).  A few Meetup ideas have been suggested though, and I'd like to run them by you.    PLease remember, too, that you may "suggest" an activity at any time on this website.  As soon as I see it, I will post it as a "real" meetup.  In the meantime, new members have asked about setting up a weekly/monthly Tennis group, racquetball group, bridge group, beginner bridge group, walks in the dog park (which we tried once), movies group.  If you are interested in any of these (or have other suggestions), please let me know via email ([address removed]) or phone[masked].  Also, it would be really helpful if someone would help with organizing the activity i.e. make decisions re: date/place/time and posting it on our site.


I have met a lot of wonderful people in this group, and hope you have/will too. Thanks. 


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