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Thank you all!

From: Max L.
Sent on: Friday, February 1, 2013, 6:12 PM


"Courage is simply the ability to be yourself in every situation. And to make that attitude non-negotiable." - Max


Dear friends,

First of all I want to personally thank you for the overwhelming, enthusiastic response that has followed "2013 GOAL SETTING workshop". For what I can see going through your emails, the evening seems to have brought in many of you a great deal of clarity, a strong sense of purpose, and a call for action, which is the most important thing.

Someone once said "action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action". So I really wish you all the best, as I said "pursuing your goals, guided by your values, in the context of your dream", because when you do so, miracle can happen...Remember? I hope you do;-)!

(A room full of wonderful people, eager to create something amazing in their life. I couldn't really think of a better place to be!)

Also, many of you keep asking whether it is possible to schedule a one-to-one session with me to go even deeper through the process of goal setting; and I while I would love to meet all of you individually, I'm simply unable to do so, considering the number of requests.

However, since I do want to help as much as I can, I have created link on my website were those who feel particularly strong the desire to meet me in person, can reserve a private session with me. The link will be available til the end of the weekend. After that, due to the limited amount of time available, I won't be able to schedule any more appointment. I hope you understand.

Here is the link:

One-to-One Goal Setting Private Session

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and memorable 2013!!

Max Leone



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