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New Meetup: Nat & Drew’s A Loving Drive Thru

From: user 9.
Sent on: Friday, August 21, 2009, 11:14 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vancouver Single's Volunteer Group!

What: Nat & Drew?s A Loving Drive Thru

When: August 31,[masked]:00 AM

Hastings Community Association Parking Lot-
Renfrew & Hastings
Vancouver, BC V5K 0A1

Between 6am and 9am on August 31st, 2009 people are encouraged
to walk, bike, or drive through a pathway in a parking lot, at
at the Community Parking lot at Renfrew and Hastings in Vancouver.

For a minimum of a $10 donation per person to A Loving Spoonful,
participants will receive a swag bag, a coupon to Starbucks,
and a breakfast goodie! Included in the swag bag will also be
an opportunity to win instant prizes such as laptops, gift baskets,
restaurant certificates and various other items! We are expecting 500
patrons and it will be heavily advertised on Virgin Radio 95.3.

100% of proceeds are coming A Loving Spoonful!

We need your help to make things run smoothly!!
We hope that you will participate in this worthwhile cause and
wonderful event.

In 2010 with your support, A Loving Spoonful hopes to provide
over 100,000 meals to men, women and children living with
HIV/AIDS in our community.

Your support will ensure that the work of A Loving Spoonful
continues so that no one living with HIV/AIDS should live with

Learn more here:

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