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This Week's Gathering...

From: Donna S.
Sent on: Sunday, January 13, 2013, 7:52 PM


Hello All...

Happy Sunday...

We had a fun-filled, vibrationally hugged week...(As per Isabel)...

Thank you all who came to share your feelings, your support to each other, your laughter and your love...

Our "Bowling Community" is expanding and expanding, which tickles my heart...

As I always say..."The more we release all our stuck stuff, the more our heart gets lighter and brighter, creating a ripple effect for ourselves and the planet"...

This week, I was asked to play the bowls out...

I have chosen to share that evening's message:

Become the silence...
Between the notes...
Then and only then...
Will you hear your inner voice...
The totem was a "Grasshopper", which asks that you trust your inner voice and you will be led to great success. Do not be afraid to leap and remember that Grasshopper only leaps forward – never backward.

I am always being reminded how wonderfully special this journey is...

A room full of "Newbies"...

A message of empowerment...

The Universe is always kna-nocking on our foreheads with its messages...

All we have to do is "Listen"...

Life Is The "KNOWING" That You Are Always Being Guided!

Remember this during your week of contrast...

Find your inner peace...

Find your inner voice...

Create your perfect faith...

Love, Love, Love...
