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Re: [DCPython] Getting started with Python

From: David G.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2012, 3:58 PM
As a general comment, and in addition to the great ideas to do group coding sessions and smaller subject-specific meetings, come to beers after the main talk and tell people about your problem. It's really informal and there's no pressure. It's always fun talking through other people's coding problems. I've (hopefully) helped a couple people with problems they've had, and others have certainly helped me.

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 3:51 PM, David Greisen <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Tom,

I was in your shoes a couple years ago. I learned what i know of project best-practices by examining the structure of well organized projects. I'd suggest you start poking around the source code of projects like django and pyramid. Can anybody else suggest any smaller, more accessible projects that are as professional/documented/tested/organized?

As far as a development environment, I was using emacs with moderate success for many years. I recently came across sublime text 2, and it is without a doubt the easiest and most pleasant coding experience i've had for python. There's a ton of power available, but you can get up and running fast without any config. It's free to try, but well worth the $50, or whatever.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Tom Baker <[address removed]> wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> You can get a great working version of MacVim with MacPorts
> Once you have installed MacPorts and updated, do
>     sudo port install MacVim +huge +python27 +ruby +perl
> MacPorts will install an additional version of Python 2.7 on your system,
> but don't fret. You might have to do
>      sudo port select python python27
> too. MacPorts is also a great way to manage dependencies for big
> Python libraries like Numpy/SciPy, psycopg2, etc. Most of these
> packages are available under py27-<package_name>, such as
> py27-ipython.
> If you have further questions, I'd suggest asking me offline, or
> starting a new topic on this list, or asking on Stack Overflow.

Thank, you Chris!

I actually did install MacVim and Python 2.7 and iPython awhile ago, and they
all work fine on their own.  What I'd like to do is somehow integrate vim
better with Python.  For example, the pictures of vim as a Python IDE [1] look
great, though I never quite got my head around that, perhaps because I don't
really know from experience what to expect from an IDE.  "Two-way integration
between Vim and iPython" [2] sounded terrific -- execute in iPython, then drop
into the full vim environment to edit; highlight some code to execute then drop
back into iPython to watch the results -- but I couldn't get this to work at
all, maybe because of subtle incompatibilities between the source for qtconsole
(or ipython) and Mac Unix?

Having spent too many weekends with little to show, I'm reluctant to think my
way into this again without knowing in advance that something will work, and
that it will be good.  I'd be willing to switch to my Linux machine for this if
that would help.

Hence my plea for (paid) assistance to help me get over this hump.  I'd love it
if someone could finally just set up the vim/ipython IDE, show me where the
configuration files are, how to change the PATH, how to set up just one unit
test for the program I want to write (where to put the files, where to put the
test data, how to restore modified test data to its state before the test,
etc).  I'm not fluent enough to do this easily myself, and with my track record
for setting these things up on my own, I end postponing doing anything about
it at all.



Tom Baker <[address removed]>

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