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Re: [DCPython] Saturday codes

From: Jonathan S.
Sent on: Sunday, January 27, 2013, 11:08 AM
The day did go very well. A thoroughly enjoyable blur.

Thanks to all those involved in organising, a truly fantastic job. Was the pizza also courtesy of SocialCode? It was certainly much appreciated.

I've just put up a post on my blog ( ) with the code we had at the end of the day in the scientific computing 'track'. It would be great to hear what the other groups did.

On 27 January[masked]:34, Alex Clark <[address removed]> wrote:
Hey all,

On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 8:19 PM, Ryan Day <[address removed]> wrote:
Thank you everyone for helping make today a success! Real progress was made on several projects.

A big thanks to Jag and SocialCode for letting us crash their space!

Thanks to Aaron from CWOS for getting the session started off!

I'm looking forward to the next event.

Very glad to hear about the success of this event! Thanks Ryan and Jag for organizing & hosting and everyone else for attending and participating. Maybe we could make this a quarterly event at SocialCode or some other venue?

(Also: I'm going to add this to the website(s): whenever you are at a DC Python event, please feel free to tweet pictures along with the #dcpython hash tag so folks not there can see what's going on :-).)



Ryan Day

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Alex Clark ·

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