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Jobs Policy

From: Alex
Sent on: Wednesday, February 24, 2016, 7:46 AM
Thanks to everyone who replied yesterday both on and off list. To summarize, I got a range of responses in the following categories:
  • Allow job posts (With one person believing an offensive job posting alone is better than an offensive job posting followed by a "Please follow the rules!" email. This made me laugh, and is a very good point.)
  • Do not allow job posts (With one person noting they'd unsubscribe if this list received too many job postings. This is the most common belief, and partially why I continue to provide faux-enforcement.)

Remember we already provide a separate list via the job board (where you can sign up to receive notifications):

So the question remains: how much tolerance do we have for job postings here. Since this issue has come up in the past and I want to make a tangible change, I'm going to experiment with toggling the moderation switch on this list. That will allow me to:

Hope this helps!


Alex Clark ·