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Re: [atheists-662] Jimmy Carter Seeks to Write Book on Treatment of Women

From: Dave M.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 8:11 AM
Despite his perception as a "weak" president, I have nothing but admiration for Carter. The Carter Center is one of a handful of NGO's working in the field attempting to make the world a better place for all. He may not know it but, Carter's more of a humanist than many humanists. Dave

From: PAUL DONOHUE <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Wednesday, September 11,[masked]:42 AM
Subject: Re: [atheists-662] Jimmy Carter Seeks to Write Book on Treatment of Women

I have often said "the main purpose of religion is to control women".  You really have to admire Jimmy Carter for his commitment to humanity and his energy at his age.
Even a Humanist would have to say he is a true Christian.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 1:57 AM, Alan Palmer <[address removed]> wrote:

Wow, this from a Southern Baptist:

Jimmy Carter, whose prolific postpresidential career as an author has covered aging, his Southern boyhood and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is now tackling the treatment of women.
According to a book proposal that has circulated among several major publishers in the last week, Mr. Carter plans to write a 50,000-word book about “all aspects of women’s lives” that explores the unequal treatment of women around the world and the use of religious texts to justify discrimination.
The book proposal, a copy of which was obtained by The Times, was sent to publishers by Lynn Nesbit, the literary agent whose clients include Joan Didion and Robert A. Caro.

“I am convinced that discrimination against women and girls is one of the world’s most serious, all-pervasive and largely ignored violations of basic human rights,” Mr. Carter, 88, wrote in the proposal, adding: 
“It is disturbing to realize that women are treated most equally in some countries that are atheistic or where governments are strictly separated from religion.”
Mr. Carter, who has traveled the world as an author and human rights activist since the end of his presidency, said he would rely on many of his own experiences as fodder for the book.
“Whenever possible, I’ll use my personal observations and experiences, such as a trip around Africa with Bill Gates Sr. and his wife,” Mr. Carter wrote, “during which he and I spent much of our time in enormous brothels, and appeared with Nelson Mandela to end South Africa’s practice of outlawing treatment for H.I.V.-AIDS.”
Mr. Carter wrote in the proposal that he had been asked to write the book by a “wide coalition” of religious leaders. He has also solicited contributions from women’s activists for the book.
Women’s rights was the subject of a recent speech in Atlanta by Mr. Carter, who spoke out against mistreatment of women and girls.        
Alan B. Palmer
A bright - Elevating and Illuminating a Naturalistic World View


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