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New Meetup: Picnic at Wash Park with Volleyball

From: Michelle W
Sent on: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 5:07 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Denver Night Life Meetup Group!

What: Picnic at Wash Park with Volleyball

When: Sunday, August 15,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $1.00 per person

Where: Washington park
South Downing Street & East Kentucky Avenue
Denver, CO 80209

Let's meet at Washington park again for a sporty picnic. I hope people will bring a volleyball net (or 3), ladder ball, corn hole... whatever can be played outside... Heck we can even play a game of twister if someone has it. ;)
It is too nice not to be outside enjoying the weather and meeting new friends.

Bring whatever you like to much on, drinks to share (NO GLASS!!), and any outdoor games you may have.

Let's get out and enjoy the amazing Colorado summer!

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