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Please join us tomorrow for "Sounds of the Tarot" with Linda Bean

From: Joy V.
Sent on: Monday, October 26, 2015, 3:05 PM

Hi everyone!

Linda Bean, the host of Tarot Social South at Enchanted Grounds, has prepared a truly unique and fascinating presentation for us on the correlations between the Major Arcana of the tarot and the musical scale. I got a chance to see a sneak peek of this and I just wanted to tell you how wonderful it is and encourage you to attend. You can RSVP here.

In addition to being one of the 20th century's foremost tarot scholars, Paul Foster Case was an accomplished musician, learning piano at age five and going on to become a church organist, a violinist and an orchestra conductor. According to Case, the founder of the esoteric organization Builders of the Adytum, each card of the Major Arcana is associated with a musical note.

Linda has studied this system, and will be sharing with us certain well-known songs and the cards that are associated with them. The cards create a very interesting look at hidden meanings to the songs. Among others, she will teach us the cards for "Love Me Tender," an old civil war ballad that was popularized in the 1950s when it was recorded by Elvis Presley.

After we take a look at the secrets the tarot reveals about these songs, Linda has a special tarot spread for us, and through using a fill-in-the-blank worksheet and a keyboard app, we'll be able to play the music of the tarot! Of course, no musical knowledge is needed--Linda or I will play your tarot song for you!

I hope you can join us for this very special presentation. You can RSVP on Meetup.

See you there!

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