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Please tell us what you think

From: Brian W.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 8:50 PM

Ok folks - I need some input. I've heard from a couple people now that there is a sense from some that there isn't an organic and welcoming way for members to get involved, to suggest or create events, to participate. Is this true for you?

We have had several folks setup events and announce/invite the group on Facebook and anyone that has had an event idea was given Meetup event organizing control. It's possible this isn't free enough. Maybe some people still feel like they have to go through me, or other certain members to get approval?

Maybe people don't want to get involved in the committees and focus groups - that's fine.

Meetup seems less and less relevant. New members find us through the Meetup site but very few people bother to RSVP to anything and announcements and emails from here (like this one) rarely get any attention. That having been said it's been suggested that we could make the Meetup page open, giving *every* member event organizing capability. These events are visible to the public, but the location details are not. If you are someone the feels left out, or disconnected would this help? Would something else?

I have posed the question on Facebook as well as sending this out. I would also hope that people feel they could discuss such things with me in person.

So I'm putting out two questions:

1) Do you feel like you are able to participate and contribute in this group as much as you would like? (Y/N) (in comments: why or why not, what would help?)

2) Should every member of meetup have the ability to create events? (Y/N) (in comments why or why not?

If you want to answer with a reply email - cool but the Facebook poll will help create a clear visual of the trending answers.

I would really appreciate your time and attention and honest input, please.

Brian Wallace

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