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Say Your Name is "Merry Christmas" When Ordering Drinks at Starbucks

From: Charles P.
Sent on: Thursday, December 17, 2015, 2:22 PM

There will be a program on Saturday at 6:00 PM at the College of Complexes entitled "What is a Christian?  Why I am One, and Why I plan to Celebrate Christmas"

Joshua Feuerstein, an Arizona-based evangelist with nearly 2 million followers on Facebook, said “Starbucks removed 'Christmas' from their cups because they hate Jesus.”  He further called on his followers to give their names as “Merry Christmas” when ordering drinks as a means of forcing Starbucks baristas to say the phrase.
It says the House “strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas.”

House Republicans propose resolution defending Christmas

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A group of House Republicans has signed onto legislation declaring support for Christmas.

Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) has introduced a resolution expressing the sense of the House that “the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be protected for use by those who celebrate Christmas” amid warnings from the right that religion is being pushed out of the holiday.

The resolution states that the House “strongly disapproves of attempts to ban references to Christmas” and “expresses support for the use of these symbols and traditions by those who celebrate Christmas.”

Thirty-five fellow Republicans have signed onto the resolution as co-sponsors.

The measure comes after Starbucks encountered controversy this holiday season for unveiling minimalist red cups.

Some Christians accused the coffee chain of trying to downplay the role of faith in the holiday season, calling it the latest example of a "war on Christmas."

Joshua Feuerstein, an Arizona-based evangelist with nearly 2 million followers on Facebook, said“Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus.” He further called on his followers to give their names as “Merry Christmas” when ordering drinks as a means of forcing Starbucks baristas to say the phrase.


Starbucks does sell Christmas-themed merchandise, including Advent calendars and an annual "Christmas blend" of ground coffee.

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump suggested boycotting Starbucks over the holiday cup controversy.

“Maybe we should boycott Starbucks,” Trump said at the time. “If I become president, we’re all going to be saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again. That I can tell you. That I can tell you! Unbelievable.”