What we’re about
The College of Complexes is a weekly free speech forum on social issues and current events, which meets every Saturday evening at 6:00 PM on Zoom:
A guest speaker makes a presentation on a topic, such as a solution to one of the world's problems, followed by questions from the audience, and then a rebuttal/remarks period in which all in attendance can speak for 5 minutes at the podium. Meets conclude at 9:00 PM.
The only rule is that we listen to only "One Fool at a Time." Established in 1951, the college claims to be "The Playground for People Who Think." No membership is maintained, and is volunteer operated. Information on Upcoming Programs/Topics at: http://www.collegeofcomplexes.org For more information, or to schedule a speaking date, contact the Program Coordinator Charles Paidock at: cpaidock@hotmail.com (312) 842-5036, (312) 714-7790 cell.
To Join the Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81216467150 ;
Passcode 094136
Mobile phone
+13126266799,,81216467150# US (Chicago)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 812 1646 7150