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"Vote out ALL incumbents ..Every time ...."

From: Charles P.
Sent on: Sunday, December 27, 2015, 12:21 PM

Steve (below) says we should  "Vote out ALL incumbents ..Every time ...."

He presumes that those running for office are all equally or more qualified than those presently in office.

So if George Washington were president, and the current Republicans were the candidates, he recommends that you vote for either Trump, Carson, Cruz, Christie, Rubio, Jeb Bush, or Carly Fiorina.

Each of these candidates, however, has said things considered to be "wacky" (i.e., odd or peculiar), per the attached linked below.  Please note that Bernie Sanders if the only candidate who does not appear on the list.  CP

Steve will be speaking on Feb. 20th at the College of Complexes on this topic:
Our constitution and laws encourage the freest possible exchange of opinions, ideas, and information. In part, that recognizes our worth and dignity as human beings.

From: Steve Kungis <[address removed]>
Sent: Sunday, December 27,[masked]:52 AM
To: [address removed]
Cc: [address removed]; ELPC; Annie Leonard, Greenpeace; Debra Michaud; Charles Paidock; [address removed]; [address removed]
Subject: Re: [CoC] oil wars
Vote out ALL incumbents ..Every time ....

How about if we cut the foreign aid in half ....from 35 Billion a year to just 17.5 billion 
and who and why are we giving foreign aid anyway all goes right into the pockets of those 
country's leaders...and no money flows to the people of those countrys ...

How about we cut the overseas military bases in half from 668 (pentagon numbers)
in 38 countries to just 334 overseas military bases....hmmm

Party is irrelevant shirt shirt ....they are the same ..

We need to become an Agenda Based nation ...(true transparency) 

all that the red shirts and blue shirts do is spread hate...
they both are very vague in what they do and what they stand for ...

Agenda Based gov't leaders could be the solution ...

Your thoughts on becoming Agenda Based and making party loyalty irrelevant ..

Let's start to make the Leaders accountable to their campaign promises...
Let them list all of their promises so that we can easily track their accomplishments..
or lack of .... 

On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 3:17 PM, mike lee [address removed] [collegeofcomplexes] <[address removed]> wrote:

Yeah that's true, these oil wars are pretty affordable!  vote republican and we will keep having endless mideast oil wars for a long time at $1 trillion a year taxpayer money...

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Mike Flores [address removed] [collegeofcomplexes] <[address removed]> wrote:

Actually we didn't spend that much on air conditioning. We borrowed it from China. 

On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 2:01 PM, mike lee [address removed] [collegeofcomplexes] <[address removed]> wrote:

Occupy Democrats's photo.
mike lehman
3639 n pine grove
chicago, il  60613

mike lehman
3639 n pine grove
chicago, il  60613


Posted by: mike lee <[address removed]>
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