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What we’re about

This workshop helps you become a better storyteller and to prepare to tell stories at events like Fresh Ground Stories or The Moth. Attend to practice finding, developing and telling your stories.

The workshop is free.

A diverse group of people attend with all levels of storytelling experience. Beginners are welcome!

We focus on developing personal narrative stories that are true, about you and revolve around a transformative moment where something about you changed. The workshop is an opportunity to explore important moments in your life and get assistance turning what you experienced into a compelling story.

This is a workshop and not a performance! You can share anything ranging from an idea, to a rough draft, to a first attempt at telling, to a polished performance. The vibe is friendly and low pressure. Unlike most live performance venues, you can use any support materials you desire such as notes or outlines.

During the workshop you will do two simple things:
• Tell a true story from your life or share about a potential story-worthy moment for up to 8 minutes, then listen to feedback from your friendly fellow storytellers.
• Listen to others tell their stories/moments, then briefly give them your personal feedback.

The workshops are conducted via Zoom, usually on the first Sunday afternoon of the month.

These are comments from recent participants:
"Wow! Great stories and incredibly helpful feedback!" Trish
• "What a great group! Loved it. I've discovered that storytellers are the best listeners." Ya-Ling
•  "Thank you for hosting this workshop! Great info and new tips on how to tell stories on stage, and really nice and welcoming group of people." Laurie 
• "Great to discuss storytelling techniques in a small group setting and practice with such supportive folks. I'll be back with my next story!" Carla 
• "Last night I told my virtual dating story at the Moth. Wanted to thank everyone who provided valuable feedback at the workshop. I feel like I have a solid story and it felt good to share." Sarah

Dave Kreimer currently hosts and manages the workshop. He is a retired seminar leader, professional presenter and personal storytelling enthusiast, who is one of the "regulars" at Fresh Ground Stories, and occasionally tells his stories at The Moth.

Colleen Bollen, another Fresh Ground Stories "regular", co-hosts the workshop.

The workshop has been ongoing for a number of years and is sponsored by the storytelling event Fresh Ground Stories. It provides a way for storytellers to practice and to give and receive story development support prior to an actual performance.

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