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This Sunday 12/4/11 2pm Holiday Gathering- PLEASE RSVP

From: Connie C.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 5:41 PM

Hello everyone!  Reminder this Sunday is our GAPCG Holiday Gathering, so please RSVP if you haven't already done so.

The event will be at a private home located on Monticello Drive in Atlanta.  Please contact me at the email address below in a private message for the house number address rather than have it displayed on a public forum.

We will share good conversation, covered dishes brought by one another, and have a voluntary ornament &/or tool exchanged that participants have made utilizing at least some portion of polymer clay.

Also feel free to bring items you've been working on for show & tell so we all can see and share any ideas you would like to see included in demos for the coming year.


See you there!

Connie S. Clark- GAPCG Demo Coordinator

[address removed]

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