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Mame arcade machine construction

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 12:24 AM

Hi All,

I am looking to put on an event where we build our own arcade cabinet. There are a number of options like:

  • full size or table top cabinet
  • one, two or four player options
  • retro stickers, art etc.
  • PC emulator or Raspberry Pi

The event would have to run over a couple of weekend and would involve making the cabinet templates, duplicating templates, construction, painting, decoration, hardware install.

I would be happy to host the event on my drive. I would estimate the costs to be £350 or less if you already have monitors, PC's etc. that you can reuse. Obviously some good quality sticks and buttons would have to be purchased, there are many sources on eBay and they don't cost too much.

Well if your interested register your interest by replying to the email and then we can collaborate and make some plans.

