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Baldwin Organic Garden-Share's Garden Potluck Party, This Sunday~20th 2pm

From: Matthew
Sent on: Monday, May 14, 2012, 12:08 PM
I'd announced at our last & final potluck at Alex's that we'll be having a gathering on May 20th in the garden. only realized the other day i still hadn't formally posted it to the group, oops!

So, Sunday. May 20th from 2pm-6ish'pm  is the plan. rain or shine~
please bring a plate/utensils(we'll have a few) , and a vegan meal (cooked or not ,labeled) or something to prep here~  if you need to use a blender maybe you/someone can bring it, mine is available but weak!.

if you garden, bring a small container to take home some seeded soil-blocks we'll make.
i have a few but maybe not enough.something with a flat bottom.  if you'd like some compost,we've got a mountain of that too now!.

if you have a folding chair or camp chair etc ,bring it as i may not have enough..i'll be building rustic garden benches this week if anyone's interested in helping stop by.

i'll see if i can get this posted as a "meetup" so as to get a headcount,and the address will be on there !  you can call/email me for it as well~
please let me know if you intend on stopping by!


Tribal Wind Arts
Baldwin Organic Garden-Share

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