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eXposed Big Data event

From: Ori L.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 12:15 PM

Hi All

I would like to bring into your attention an event that eXelate are arranging that you can all benefit from if you are interested in the Big Data space.

Here is their introduction to the event:

BIG Data eXposed- Built to scale event:

In its second year, we invite you to attend ‘Big Data eXposed – Built to Scale’, where industry-leading digital technology companies will reveal insights about software and architecture development that fuels scale for big data products and services. Gain an exclusive, ‘behind the scenes’ look into the next generation of Israeli startups making an impact on marketing through big data innovations.

Join 200 local tech entrepreneurs, chief architects and executives, VPs of engineering and operations in advertising to share knowledge and exchange ideas about the implementation, analysis, and application of big data for competitive advantage in marketing.

To join please sign in using "request an invitation" tab:



