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Long Beach Pagans now on Facebook

From: Kandy
Sent on: Sunday, August 25, 2013, 4:01 PM

Merry Meet Pagans,

So many of us are members of Long Beach pagans so we can meet and spend time with people who share our beliefs and interests. A lot of us simply can't make it to the in person events scheduled because of time, transportation or other obstacles. If you have a Facebook account, you can now join and connect with the LB Pagan secret group on Facebook.


The great thing about a secret group is that none of your Facebook Friends will see any of the activity, or even the name of the group. That means those of us who prefer not to disclose our pagan selfs can join and participate in the group without concern. The bad thing about a secret group is that it's so secret you must be invited to join. To invite you, we need the email address you use for your Facebook account. You can reply to me with it or register to join the group here.


Hope to talk with you soon on Facebook!

