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Re: [ljc] Introduction to Java Training Course

From: Jon H.
Sent on: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 4:05 PM
I would say yes it's good for the web, you can do simple JSP and servlet websites right up to enterprise web applications with frameworks (EJB, spring) and tag libraries (Jstl, displaytag). It's architecture is sophisticated unlike eg php which is too simple for advanced systems, should you wish to build one.

If you only want simple websites php would be ok

Regarding web design, you can layer javascript like mootools, jquery and css onto either technology

Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "@sleepyfox" <[address removed]>
Date: Thu, May 31,[masked]:23
Subject: [ljc] Introduction to Java Training Course
To: <[address removed]>

Java (the language) wasn't designed with the World Wide Web in mind, because the Web was not public at the time (the Oak language, runtime and hardware was demonstrated to Scott McNealy in 1992, a year before CERN lifted the license restrictions from the WWW allowing it to go public). Java was however designed with the Internet in mind. Later on in it's development, it would implement the applet spec that enabled Java applications to be delivered to the browser, but that wasn't till mid-1995 with the advent of HotJava. 

The question "Is Java a good language for developing websites" is a bit odd. I would have said "start with HTML and CSS". Of course, the OP may have meant "is Java a good language for scripting web pages" in which case I would have said "start with JavaScript". Only if the OP had already done both of the above can we get down to "is Java a good language for building dynamic web applications", in which case I probably would say "it certainly can be done (q.v. Spring and Play but it seems a lot of people prefer something more dynamic e.g. Ruby/Rails or Groovy/Grails or..."

My $0.02


On Thursday, 31 May 2012, John Stevenson wrote:
Hello Lakhjeet,
Java was designed with the web in mind (back in the early 1990's) and many projects have been created that help a developer create dynamic data driven websites, these projects are often referred to as frameworks.

For a new Java or Scala project, I suggest looking at the Play Framework  It is nicely documented and is designed to use other great libraries for the web such as Google Closures.

Many existing Java web projects are based on Struts, Webwork, Java Server Faces (JSF), Tapestry, ...).  These take slightly different approaches and all have their benefits and challenges.  There is a comparison of some of these Java frameworks on Wikipedia, but not sure how up to date it is.

If you do anything visual for the web, then you should also learn JavaScript (and perhaps CoffeeSrcipt & Node.js) as well as some HTML5.  Or find some great open source projects that you can use with these technologies -,, ...

Hope this helps.

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