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Re: [ljc] Please help with [Java] MVC framework adoption

From: robert a.
Sent on: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 11:20 AM
>And no, Scala isn't "as powerful" as Java, the language didn't wish to stoop that low.
>It's a great deal more powerful.

Scala, Java, C++, C#, Ada etc are all Turing Complete ( languages so from a computer science point-of-view they can all achieve the same results. I can write an assembler equivalent of anything you write in Scala. To quote the above linked wikipedia however; "Obviously, this says nothing about the effort needed to write the program"  ;-)  For the ultimate example see:

You might want to take a step back and think about *why* you wish to learn a new system, language, framework. 

If you're doing this as a hobby then you can go crazy and pick the most interesting thing you can find. If you're doing this to improve your job prospects then the best thing to learn will be whatever potential employers are looking for. If you're starting you own company then you might worry about productivity or your ability to recruit other developers (unlikely if you choose whitespace). You might be worried about speed of execution, integration with other systems or even whether you can formally prove your code is correct.

If you ask questions as open as the one you have asked then you'll always get suggestions for things that are very cool but new or obscure. Is this what you're after?

 - Robert

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 9:21 AM, Kevin Wright <[address removed]> wrote:
Play is a framework for developing websites, so it's no more a language than struts is.
As for scala, your colleague is mis-informed, it makes *java* look like a scripting language.  Just consider:

Scala: fully object oriented vs Java: object-oriented except for primitives and static methods
Scala: first class functions vs Java: promised lambdas since before Duke Nukem Forever was released
Scala: type inference vs Java: Endless repetition of type names
Scala: uniform access principle vs Java: IDE-generated getters/setters that are a pain to later maintain
Scala: Definition-site variance vs Java: Wildcards on generics
Scala: mix-ins and implicits vs Java: Write half your program in untyped XML, using Spring

etc, etc.

And no, Scala isn't "as powerful" as Java, the language didn't wish to stoop that low.
It's a great deal more powerful.

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