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Fwd: Review of new Http client API

From: Ben E.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 12:07 PM
There's a new draft of the new Java 8 HTTP client.

If interested, people should check it out and provide feedback.

If there's a lot of interest, we can always run a hackday to play with it.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael McMahon <[address removed]>
Date: Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 1:01 PM
Subject: Review of new Http client API
To: OpenJDK Network Dev list <[address removed]>
Cc: jdk8-dev <[address removed]>


(apologies for sending this again)
We have just published a draft of a proposed new Http client API [1] for JDK 8.

This message has been cc'd to jdk8-dev so that as many people as possible
know about it, but the discussion will be on the net-dev list
([address removed]).
So, folks will have to join that list [2], in order to take part.


[1] https://cr.openjdk...­

[2] https://mail.openj...­

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