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Re: [ljc] How to think as "functional language programer"

From: Joel G.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 10:45 AM
My main piece of advice would be simply to stick with it.

The Coursera "FP in Scala" course is a decent introduction (I had my team of OO developers take it, at my last job). It might feel like you are spraining a frontal lobe making the transition from mutable to immutable coding styles, but the exercises in Odersky's course are presented in a reasonably well thought out order.

Struggle through... the lightbulbs will go off. Having someone to talk to about it might be a good thing - are the Coursera forums of use?

Scala is a bit of a funny one in that it gives you the tools for mutable programming up front and it can be tempting to lean on them (unlike, say, Clojure, where the mutability keys are put on a slightly higher shelf). Ignore the crutches. Don't be put off by the fact that you are finding it hard... if you are totally new to FP, it's definitely a lot of mental gear shifting.

Hang in there.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Sivaji <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi all,
recently I have started learning Scala course offered by coursera (by martin odersky) but I am still not getting the crux of it by writing programs in functional way. Most of the time I am thinking like a imperative prog language developer and all examples/exercises are given in the course need to be solved with out mutation (complete functional).

so my question is, Is this quite normal for a developer from java background or you have any learning resources to tune my mind to write programs in functional programming language as well... I am loosing confidence for the first time as I am struggling to write a simple dummy tweeter application,.Scala language syntax/constructs/concepts are not a problem to understand but thinking everything in recursion and thinking very abstraction is nightmare for me now. Anybody faced similar issue (may not be with scala but other functional prog language) and want to share their experiences, it is highly appreciated??

sivaji k

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