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GeekOut UK Community Night

From: Simon M.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 1:16 AM
Hey Folks,

For those of you who have already signed up to the community event, we're really looking forward to welcoming you to some free pizza, craft beers, a mini unconference AND the first live physical vJUG session.

Hang on, it's free? Yah, it is, BUT, YOU HAVE TO SIGN UP ON EVENTBRITE! If you don't you simply won't get in (seriously, we have an angry looking bouncer/security guard, who doesn't laugh at your jokes)

There are also around 20 tickets left for the main conference, if you'd like to join us, which at £69 includes an amazing breakfast, lunch, cakes, barista coffee AND 8 sessions of pure quality from the best minds the planet has ever seen!

Personally, I think this is the one of the best value confs of the year and I'm really looking forward to being part of it. Hope to see many of you there!

Thanks -- Simon

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