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Re: [ljc] Book reading club

From: Colin V.
Sent on: Thursday, February 19, 2015, 9:37 AM
I can definitely recommend a certain book on testing, but I may be biased....

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Simon Maple <[address removed]> wrote:

We're going to be kicking off a book reading club thing on the vJUG soon (read a couple of chapters a week & meetup on a hangout with an expert to chat, ask questions etc and discuss) and I was wondering which books to start with. I thought I'd ask the LJC which technical books (and perhaps non technical but would like to start with the techie stuff) you have read and really found valuable to your day to day work.

So, if you could take 3 tech books on a desert island, which would they be? :)


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Maybe she awoke to see the roommate's boyfriend swinging from the chandelier wearing a boar's head.

Something which you, I, and everyone else would call "Tuesday", of course.

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