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Fwd: [jc-user] Collecting Feedback on Java EE Documentation

From: Ben E.
Sent on: Thursday, March 5, 2015, 9:47 AM
Anyone want to help out with this?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Reza Rahman <[address removed]>
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:27 AM
Subject: [jc-user] Collecting Feedback on Java EE Documentation
To: [address removed]


The Java EE documentation team is looking to identify a group of
volunteers who are willing to provide direct, ongoing feedback on Java
EE documentation (https://docs.oracl...­). The
documentation team will set up regular meetings with participants to:

* Measure the effectiveness of our current documentation and measure
improvement of effectiveness over time.
* Understand each participant’s top 10 requirements for improving
product documentation and user assistance.
* Review and evaluate early documentation design prototypes in
development for future releases (e.g., search improvements, library
user interface design updates, in-line documentation feedback models,
and so forth).

In general, the documentation feedback sessions will be conducted in
1-hour web conferences with our documentation team members.  No travel
is required.  Calls will be scheduled a few times a year at the
convenience of the participants.  There will also be follow-up email
and surveys from the documentation group as needed.

To participate in this effort to improve the effectiveness of Java EE
documentation, please respond this survey
(https://www.survey...­) by
March 17th.

Reza | Java EE Evangelist
Home Office:[masked]
Google/Skype: m.reza.rahman
Twitter: @reza_rahman

P.S.: Just to be absolutely clear, you don't need to be an Oracle
"customer" to do this, just someone that cares enough about Java EE to
help improve it for the community :-).

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