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From: Nancy
Sent on: Sunday, June 17, 2012, 11:58 AM

We owe a debt of gratitude to registered dietician Vesanto Melina for all she has done to promote the plant based diet and keep veg*ns healthy with her books Becoming Vegetarian, Becoming Vegan, Becoming Raw among others. I'm excited to announce that she is moving to Vancouver! can live with her!

Have you ever heard of co-housing? To learn more, visit  Email [address removed]  Also attend potluck picnic with the group on Sunday June 24 between 2 pm and 6 pm at the south end of Trout Lake Park in Vancouver. Look for the yellow balloons.

•And in other news, did you know there will be a Veg Fest this year on August 4th on Granville St. downtown. I've listed it here.

•Don't forget our fundraiser dinner for Vancouver Humane Society on July 5th. Check the menu here.

•There are still about 7 spaces for our NUBA dinner on July 19th. Menu here.

•Calling all SURREY members. Did you know there is a potluck in your neck of the woods on July 8th? RSVP here.

•If you never go to the Meetup site and just read the emails, you might not know that there are a lot more events than I listed here, so check it out here.



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