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DreamPushers Relaunch and My Gift to You!

From: Chris J.
Sent on: Saturday, July 7, 2012, 6:08 PM

I have relaunched my digital agency into a digital lifestyle magazine - and would love to hear your feedback

What this means to you? For sometime since (I have taken over this Meetup group) I have felt conflicted.

How can I freely share information that can help you get started with your Online Business or StartUp then charge you for a website at the end? It does not make sense...either I hold back the good stuff, or give you everything and wrap up my digital agency - so that is what I decided.

I am truly here to help you see success online.

I also preach creating a business you are truly passionate about (and creating something online gives you the ability to do that), so while I loved to help putting digital projects together for other people, I wanted to work on what I love - blogging about Digital Art / Design / Luxury / Lifestyle / StartUps etc and launching my own StartUps so that is what I am focusing on (in addition to my importing business). This allows me to share with all of you everything I have learnt in the digital space over the last ten years and that is what I intend to do!


So that is what the new DreamPushers is about.


My gift to you is what I call the DreamStartUps - Basics

A framework for putting together any Startup without any technical Enjoy!


You can find the free video (before it goes live on itunes):


If you love this I will be going through the 'website' side of this on Wednesday - hope to see you there :)


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