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New Event: Wednesday Social

From: Shelly H.
Sent on: Monday, November 5, 2007, 1:58 PM
Announcing a new event for Metroplex Atheists Meetup Group!

What: Wednesday Social

When: Wednesday, November 7, 6:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Enjoy the company of like-minded folks at a weekly social meeting for atheists.

Meet up at J. Gilligan's Restaurant (not the bar) in Arlington. From IH-30 take Collins (Hwy 157) South to Abram. Right on Abram a few blocks and park in Gilligan's parking lot on the left.

See you there! Look for atheist t-shirts or ask a waitress where the prayer meeting is. There's a menu if you get the munchies or you can be like me and just go for the beer and free chips & hot sauce before 7:00 pm.

It is a family-friendly atmosphere (It's an Irish Bar!)

Learn more here:

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