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New Event: Party at Randy's Ranch

From: Shelly H.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 4, 2007, 2:55 PM
Announcing a new event for Metroplex Atheists Meetup Group!

What: Party at Randy's Ranch

When: Saturday, December 8, 9:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: For the second year running, we're holding out MA holiday party at Randy Word's ranch near Granbury. If you've never been to Randy's ranch, it's about the most fun place possible. He's got a few dozen acres of trails and fishing and four-wheeling and campfires and food and everything you would want for a little luxury camping.

There's a PDF map located on the Metroplex Atheists website.

Note for previous party-goers. Since Randy wrote up the map (and since the last party), there's now a pump-station along the main road right next to the turnoff, so it's much easier to find the road. But if you don't remember seeing the station last time, don't assume you're lost.

What: Holiday Party At Randy's Ranch!

Where: Outside of Granbury TX. See map above.

When: Saturday December 8, noon until we get tired.

Who: You.

What To Bring: Something to eat or drink. email [address removed] if you need suggestions.

Gift Exchange: To celebrate the bountiful harvest granted to us by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, we're having a pirate gift exchange. Bring along a wrapped gift worth less than ten bucks if you want to participate. Chocolate, liquor, or liquor mixed with chocolate is always appreciated.

Learn more here:

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